Format: Bring bluebooks/greenbooks.  Please write clearly and legibly.  If you use a pencil, be sure
to write strongly enough to make the exam readable.  Exam will be similar in format to midterm. 

Exam will be in six parts.

Part I. Time line: be able to identify the major dates listed below

Part II. Multiple choice questions: basic factual information about central events, places or individuals

Part III. Short visual IDs: brief answers to questions about art images shown during exam

Part IV. Visual IDs: 2 out of 4: write an informative paragraph about images screened during the exam.

Part V. Historical, literary, artistic IDs: 3 out of 8: write an informative paragraph about the item.

For parts IV and V you should explain, within the time available, as much as you can about the object,
person or term. This should be a substantial paragraph, written in full sentences. Answers providing more
detail will receive more credit than shorter, less developed answers.
Tell us what you know, but please leave time for your essay.

Part VI. Essays: Choice of 1 out of 2 or 3 (see below)..


Part I. Time line: Be able to match these dates with these events (all are CE Common Era)

 800 Coronation of Charlemagne in Rome
1309-1377 Avignon Papacy
1347 Cola di Rienzo’s Holy Roman Republic
1453 Fall of Constantinople and of Eastern Roman Empire to Ottoman Turks
1494 first French invasion of Italy
1527 Sack of Rome by armies of Emperor Charles V
1545-1563 Council of Trent
1633 Trial of Galileo
1789 French Revolution
1797 Napoleon’s invasion of Italy
1870 Unification of Italy including Rome
1922 Mussolini’s March on Rome


Part II. Multiple choice questions: these will be basic knowledge questions from the lectures.


Part III. Short visual IDs: these will refer to images given below for Part IV.


Part IV. Visual IDs: A full, informative paragraph that identifies the work and the artist and
gives information on its significance (what is being conveyed in the work of art and how the work
fits in with what we know about the artist and more generally with the Renaissance or Baroque aesthetic it portrays).

Early Renaissance:
1) Melozzo da Forlì: Sixtus IV with Platina and the della Rovere nephews
2) Perugino: Christ giving Peter the Keys of the Kingdom

Raphael 3) School of Athens 4) Sistine Madonna

5) Sistine Ceiling: God creating Adam 6) Last Judgment 7) Pietà

9) Calling of St. Matthew 10) Conversion of St. Paul

11) David 12) Ecstasy of St. Theresa, Cornaro Chapel 13) Chair of St. Peter

Modern Rome
14) Victor Emmanuel Monument
15) Palazzo della Civiltà in the EUR (EUR = Roman Universal Exposition)


Part V. Historical, literary, artistic IDs:

Donation of Constantine         Charlemagne
Avignon Papacy                      Cola di Rienzo           
Humanism                               Conciliarism
Renaissance                          Julius II           

                       Emperor Charles V                   Leo X Medici
Machiavelli                              Sack of Rome 1527

                        Raphael                                    Michelangelo

Vasari                                      Roman Inquisition
Castel Sant’Angelo                  Jesuits
Counter Reformation               Council of Trent
Caravaggio                               Galileo
Baroque                                   Bernini
St. Peter’s Basilica                   Enlightenment                          
Risorgimento                            Napoleon
Italian Fascism                         Mussolini


Part VI.  Essays: Topics will concern the major themes of the course since midterm;
you should draw on both lectures and readings, using specific examples to support
general points. Possible topics:

1) Art: be able to discuss central figures (see above list) as representatives of major
artistic styles from 15-17th C. (Renaissance, Baroque). 

2) Papal Rome: have an understanding of the evolution of Rome as the capital of the Catholic
Church from the return of the papacy from Avignon through the Counter-Reformation and to
Napoleon and Italian Unification; be prepared to discuss the role of specific Popes in the political,
religious, building and artistic development of city of Rome.

3) Third Rome: changes in meaning of Rome in 19-20th C, rise of nationalist movement
after Napoleonic invasion, Risorgimento, Unification and Fascism